The Numerical Simulation Platform

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Code fragment


The software on NUBERISIM

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Sound wave

Flow-Induced Acoustics

Aero- and Hydro-Acosutics

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Certified. For Promoting R&D.

Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR has been certified for actively promoting and supporting R&D throughout 2023 by Stifterverband, 24.04.2024

Celebrating. 10 Years.

Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR as well as NUBERISIM are celebrating their first 10 years, March 18, 2024! Follow us on LinkedIn!


At Mittelstandskonferenz 2023. Presenting ASTRADIN.

Together with our partners we are presenting our project ASTRADIN at Mittelstandskonferenz 2023, November 21/22, 2023.

Das Fest. In Karlsruhe.

Our co-founder Iris got interviewed by Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN) in her role as lecturer for Technical Acoustics (Mech. Eng.) at KIT regarding the acoustical effects of Das Fest on Karlsruhe's residence area around the festival place Günther-Klotz-Anlage, July 20, 2023.

At ISC 2023. Featuring Our Co-Founder.

Our co-founder Carlos is presenting his work on HPC architectures in the frame of his PhD at ISC 2023, May 25, 2023.

Simpulseday. Presenting ASTRADIN.

NUBERISIM its project partners are presenting the ASTRADIN project and its AI grounded developments and workflows for CFD at Simpulseday, May 23, 2023.

NUBERISIM in Home Office. Temporarily.

Due to the extended renovation of our office building Technologiefabrik Karlsruhe having started March 2023 Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR decided to maintain the home office routine of NUBERISIM's staff also post-pandemically. Please check out how to contact us here.

At iHURT6. Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence.

NUBERISIM presented new developments combining CFD with AI methods at iHURT6, December 1, 2022.

iHURT6 Logo source: SICOS BW Website

Innovative. Again. Sealed by Stifterverband.

Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR has been sealed innovative by Stifterverband, April 24, 2022.

ISC 2021 Digital. With Nuberisim.

Register for on-Demand content. Available until Dec 31, 2021. Or contact us for promo.

Cloud Visualisation. Remote.

Find out. About CloW-vis. A Cloud-Mall Baden-Württemberg project.

Innovative. Sealed by Stifterverband.

Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR has been sealed innovative by Stifterverband, May 2, 2020.

Graph source (partially):

WELCOME! Year of Sound 2020.

Consider your noises. Reconsider measures to lower them.

At iHURT3. Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence.

NUBERISIM presented new developments combining CFD with AI methodologies at iHURT3, December 3, 2019.

iHURT3 Logo source: SICOS BW Website

New Developments.Check out at Hightech Summit 2019.

Iris speaking about new developments in technical High Performance Computing such as the use of Artificial Intelligence methods. September 23, 2019.

Stage Discussion. Dienstleistungsinnovation und Digitalisierung.

NUBERISIM participated in discussion round at Dienstleistungsinnovation und Digitalisierung, an event of Fraunhofer IAO and the Ministry of Economics of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Meet us in Stuttgart on Thursday, January 17, 2019.

Dienstleistungsinnovation und Digitalisierung Dienstleistungsinnovation und Digitalisierung Photo source: Ludmilla Parsyak

Meet us. In October 2018.

NUBERISIM at Maschinenbaugipfel (10), 15./16.10.2018

Industrie 4.0. Start-up-the-Future.

NUBERISIM pitches and exhibits at VDMA's Allianz Industrie 4.0 BW's event START UP THE FUTURE at Phoenix-Halle Stuttgart, Germany. Meet us on Thursday, November 16, 2017.

Meet us. In October 2017.

We presented NUBERISIM at the following events:

Oct 9, 2017: Wirtschaftsforum Baden-Württemberg

Oct 17, 2017: 3rd Esslinger Forum

Upstarting. Start-up-Gipfel Baden-Württemberg 2017.

NUBERISIM exhibit at startup summit in the German Federal Country Baden-Württemberg as part of the ecosystem Karlsruhe at Federal Country Fair (Landesmesse) Stuttgart.

Pioneering. Article in the first #6789 edition.

Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR with its NUBERISIM platform described in the brand new magazine #6789 of BWCon. The magazine highlights digital innovations in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

FINALIST. Of CyberChampions Award 2016.

Team NUBERISIM has been among the 6 finalists (out of 26) of the CyberChampions Award 2016, category Best Concept and was awarded the image movie on the right side. The award is an initiative of the CyberForum e.V..

NeulandInnoPreis1 Photo source: Neuland/IMA, KIT NeulandInnoPreis2

Awarded 2nd. Neuland Innovationspreis.

Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR with its NUBERISIM platform was awarded 2nd in the competition Neuland Innovationspreis, category Transferprojekte. The award was in the frame of the KIT Venture Festival, June 29, 2016. Many thanks to the organizers and the jury members for their engagement! Congratulations to all other winners!

NUBERISIM. How to use it.

Our second demo of how to use NUBERISIM is online. It refers to the actual version of our demo platform. It gives you an overview on how to configure simulations, how to start simulations, on checking convergence graphs and downloading results.

KIT Spin-Off. Officially.

Since January 2015 we are offical KIT Spin-Off. Get to know more about our partner here and there.

Listen to the founders Balazs and Iris in a Podcast (in German)! Recorded and interviewed by PD Dr. Gudrun Thaeter from KIT's Institute of Applied Numerical Mathematics (IANM4) of the Modellansatz initiative!

NUBERISIM. The Numerical Simulation Platform.

The NUBERISIM platform is a Cloud-based high performance simulation architecture. Its main applications are Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and flow-driven Acoustics simulations. It is accessed through the internet. With your account you log into NUBERISIM and get access to our CFD software. The software is configured via your browser - as easy as any conventional software you are using. You can use NUBERISIM as your main CFD simulation source or as excess infrastructure. It is up to you how often and at which time you want to use NUBERISIM, you pay by use. If you want to know more, please contact us and let us know, how we can help you to use the benefits of NUBERISIM.

Screenshot NUBERISIM 1

Software 1 Software 2

Software from KIT. Promising Quality.

The main software for CFD an aero-acoustical simulation on the NUBERISIM platform was developed through many years at the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology) and used in an academic environment. We are further developing this software and adapt it to our customers' industrial needs. We are dedicated to realize the impossible:

+ investigate reliably flow and acoustical details where experiments fail and

+ find deep understanding of the physical behaviour in our customers' devices through the use of highly resolved, parallelized simulations.

The software is basically a compressible CFD code with incompressible modules as well. The postprocessing modules for integral and fieldwise acoustics are integrated in the CFD code and provide efficient acoustical analysis. Please contact us to find out how we can help you with high performance simulation in your company.

Flow-Induced Acoustics. We help you to make the world more quiet.

Did you know how flow influences the environmental noise around us? Noise causes health problems and is an urgent issue now for politics and other social actors. They fight it with more and more restrictive noise limits. Industrial players take initiatives to block the noise of their products and devices. One of the main noise sources are fluid flows, e.g. in household goods such as hair dryers.

You think that time-resolved fluid dynamics simulations are an effort you cannot perform in your company? No, you only need your laptop and a browser. With our NUBERISIM platform you can start to do this kind of simulation in the Cloud - you do not need highly parallelized soft- and hardware anymore. Use the great Cloud reservoir and the ever most recent Cloud hardware and do highly parallelized simulations for fluid flow and flow-induced acoustics. Please contact us to find out how we can help you with flow and acoustical issues of your products.

Acoustics 1 Acoustics 2